Hello World


My First Post

As a web developer when you are learning a new language the first thing we learn to do is output the string hello world.

In 2017 one of my goals was to write more. I have found a tool will allow me to get my thoughts down quickly in markdown and publish live with one command from terminal.

yarn run deploy


This tool is called Gatsby.

Gatsby allows you to transform plain text into dynamic blogs and websites using the latest web technologies. A React.js static site generator.

So the exciting thing for me is that I’ve also been wanting to learn Javascript deeper so I’ve settled with learning React as a way to reach my goal.

Blog Redesign

So after going through the React Essentials Lynda course (which is excellent by the way) I decided to continue to explore using React by redesigning my blog using Gatsby.

So here we are. Hope you like it.

Future Content

I love learning and will continue to share what I learn along the way and continue contributing to open source.

I hope you find it helpful to read as it is for me to write my thoughts down.

About the author

Frank is a 👨‍💻web developer, U.S. Army veteran, 🎸bass player, father, husband, and founder of sacodersunited.

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