Goals for 2017


Everyone has goals

As we started a new year, it seems like everyone was talking about setting new years’ resolutions. A few months into the year many lose focus on what they wanted to achieve.

So I am going to write them down here on my blog so I can stay commited to them and look back in case I get lost along the way.


Start with putting God first. I want to attend church weekly and attend a bible study.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
> Matthew 6:33


A family outing and one date night a month. Good thing we have grandparents nearby!


Attend the local bootcamp at least twice a week.


  • Learn React Vue and full stack Javascript
  • Learn to deploy apps on Dokku
// TODO: code every day

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About the author

Frank is a 👨‍💻web developer, U.S. Army veteran, 🎸bass player, father, husband, and founder of sacodersunited.

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